Solar and battery inverters are two crucial components of a home energy system. They are responsible for converting the energy generated by solar panels or stored in batteries into a form that can be used by your home's appliances and electronics. But what is the difference between the two?

Solar and Battery Inverters: A Comparison

Solar and battery inverters are two crucial components of a home energy system. They are responsible for converting the energy generated by solar panels or stored in batteries into a form that can be used by your home's appliances and electronics. But what is the difference between the two? And which one is the right choice for you as a homeowner? In this blog, we will explore the pros and cons of each type of inverter and help you make an informed decision.

Solar Inverters: Pros:

  1. Cost-effective - Solar inverters are less expensive compared to battery inverters.

  2. Ease of installation - Solar inverters are easy to install, and most homeowners can handle the installation process themselves.

  3. High efficiency - Solar inverters are highly efficient, converting up to 98% of the energy generated by your solar panels into usable energy.

  4. Improved grid reliability - Solar inverters can help improve the reliability of the electrical grid.

  5. Grid-tie compatibility - Solar inverters are designed to be connected to the grid, making them a good choice for homes that want to sell excess energy back to the grid.

  6. Long lifespan - Solar inverters have a long lifespan, often lasting 20 years or more.

  7. Monitoring capabilities - Many solar inverters have monitoring capabilities that allow you to keep track of your energy usage and production.

  8. Quiet operation - Solar inverters are quiet, making them suitable for use in any room in your home.

  9. No maintenance required - Solar inverters require no maintenance, making them a low-maintenance option for homeowners.

  10. Environmentally friendly - Solar inverters are environmentally friendly, as they help reduce your carbon footprint by reducing your reliance on fossil fuels. Cons:

  11. Limited energy storage - Solar inverters do not have the ability to store energy, meaning that you will have to rely on the grid during periods of low sunlight.

  12. Unpredictable energy production - Solar energy production can be unpredictable, meaning that you may not have enough energy when you need it the most.

  13. Weather dependency - Solar energy production is dependent on weather conditions, and your energy production may drop during periods of overcast or cloudy weather.

  14. High initial cost - While solar inverters are relatively inexpensive, the cost of installing a solar panel system can be high.

  15. Limited energy output - Solar inverters have a limited energy output, which may not be enough to meet the energy needs of larger homes.

  16. Performance degradation over time - Solar inverters can experience performance degradation over time, reducing their efficiency and energy production.

  17. Dependent on grid connection - Solar inverters rely on a connection to the grid, which may not be possible in rural areas.

  18. Maintenance required for solar panels - While the inverters themselves require no maintenance, the solar panels that generate the energy will need to be cleaned and maintained.

  19. Potential for power outages - In the event of a power outage, your solar panels and inverter will not be able to provide energy to your home.

  20. Requires a sunny location - Solar panels require a sunny location to produce energy, which may not be possible in areas with frequent cloud cover or heavy shade.

Battery Inverters: Pros:

  1. Energy storage capabilities - Battery inverters have the ability to store energy, meaning that you will not have to rely on the grid during periods of low sunlight.
  2. Uninterrupted energy supply - Battery inverters provide an uninterrupted energy supply, even during power outages.
  3. Increased energy independence - Battery inverters increase your energy independence, reducing yourreliance on the grid.
  4. Improved energy security - Battery inverters provide improved energy security, ensuring that you have access to energy even during power outages.
  5. Increased energy savings - By storing excess energy generated by your solar panels, battery inverters can increase your energy savings by reducing your reliance on the grid.
  6. Ability to sell excess energy back to the grid - With a battery inverter, you can store excess energy generated by your solar panels and sell it back to the grid when needed.
  7. Remote monitoring capabilities - Many battery inverters have remote monitoring capabilities, allowing you to keep track of your energy usage and production from anywhere.
  8. Customizable energy management - Battery inverters offer customizable energy management options, allowing you to tailor your energy usage to meet your specific needs.
  9. Increased home value - Adding a battery inverter to your home can increase its value and saleability, as it provides a more efficient and reliable energy source.
  10. Improved energy reliability - Battery inverters provide improved energy reliability, ensuring that you have access to energy when you need it the most.


  1. Higher cost - Battery inverters are more expensive than solar inverters.
  2. Complex installation process - The installation process for battery inverters can be complex and may require the services of a professional.
  3. Maintenance required - Battery inverters require maintenance to ensure that they continue to function properly.
  4. Limited lifespan - The lifespan of battery inverters is limited, often lasting only a few years.
  5. Battery degradation - Over time, the batteries used in battery inverters can degrade, reducing their efficiency and energy storage capacity.
  6. Potential for battery failure - There is a risk of battery failure, which can be expensive and time-consuming to replace.
  7. Limited energy output - Battery inverters have a limited energy output, which may not be enough to meet the energy needs of larger homes.
  8. Compatibility issues - Battery inverters may not be compatible with all types of solar panels, limiting your options.
  9. Performance degradation over time - Battery inverters can experience performance degradation over time, reducing their efficiency and energy production.
  10. Dependent on battery charge - Battery inverters are dependent on the charge of the batteries, meaning that you will need to regularly monitor and recharge the batteries to ensure they are functioning properly.

In conclusion, the choice between solar and battery inverters depends on your specific needs and budget. Solar inverters are a cost-effective option for those who want to reduce their reliance on the grid and reduce their carbon footprint. However, they have limited energy storage capabilities and are dependent on the grid. Battery inverters offer increased energy independence and storage capabilities, but they are more expensive and require maintenance.

As a homeowner, you will need to consider your energy needs, budget, and location to determine the best option for you. Adding either a solar or battery inverter to your home can increase its value and saleability, as it provides a more efficient and reliable energy source.

In South Africa, the current state of loadshedding has led to an increased demand for reliable and efficient energy solutions. This is where adding a solar or battery inverter to your home can add significant value. By providing a more reliable energy source, homes with these systems are more attractive to potential buyers who are looking for energy independence and security.

Solar inverters, by reducing a homeowner's reliance on the grid, offer a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy source. This can be a selling point for buyers who are environmentally conscious and looking to reduce their carbon footprint. Additionally, the cost savings from reduced energy bills can also add value to a home.

Battery inverters offer even greater energy independence and security, as they provide energy storage capabilities that allow homeowners to have access to energy even during power outages. This is especially valuable in South Africa, where loadshedding is a major concern for many homeowners. The ability to sell excess energy back to the grid can also provide additional income for homeowners, adding value to the home.

In conclusion, both solar and battery inverters can add significant value to a home when reselling. The key is to consider the specific needs of the homeowner and choose the system that best fits those needs. With loadshedding a major concern in South Africa, the addition of either a solar or battery inverter can make a home more attractive to potential buyers and increase its value.